Special Episode Two: International Anxiety and COVID-19 With Chis Bradford and Mandisa Mtembu

Today I am lucky to speak with both Chris Bradford and Mandisa Mt-em-bu. Chris Bradford is one of the founders of the African Leadership Academy, a pan-african boarding school seeking to create leaders on the African Continent. He has a hybrid background in business and education from his work in Boston Consulting Group and teaching experience at the Oundle School. It was there that he developed a deep interest in the design of educational institutions and the power they have to shape societies. At the African Leadership Academy, Mr. Bradford has worked to create their innovative curriculum including African Studies and Entrepreneurial Leadership.

Ms. Mtembu is the Head of Wellness at the ALA. She does hands-on work with students to help them excel through the rigorous school while also protecting their mental health. She is a registered counsellor and certified Life Coach. Prior to joining the mental health team at ALA, she was a student life manager at the African Leadership University, where she managed residential life and operations.

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